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Students Compete in CSI Regional Competitions

April 8, 2024

BENNINGTON - The Bennington Sheriff's Department is hosting the Spring 2024 Criminal Justice (CJ) and Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) SkillsUSA Vermont regional competitions on Wednesday, at 811 US-7 in Bennington.

Bennington County Sheriff James Gulley, Jr., who has headed up this competition for the past two years, as well as representatives of the Vermont Sheriff's Association and Vermont State Police will be on hand to judge the competitions.

Twenty-eight students representing several Vermont career and technical centers will be competing against each other to test their skills to see if they have what it takes to become a law enforcement officer or a crime scene investigator. The winners in each category will advance to the national competition, where Vermont students will compete against the best-ranked students from all other states and territories.

The event gets underway at 10:30 a.m.

The Vermont students are hoping to earn a place in the national competition that will be held in Atlanta on June 24.

Compliments of: The Manchester Journal
